バイセクシュアルが言われる7つの馬鹿げたこと (イギリスの英語記事より)



The 7 most idiotic things people say to bisexuals - Gay Star News

Bisexuals face discrimination from the lesbian and gay community.


‘A lesbian friend said I wasn’t a proper bisexual because I had slept with more men than women’


1 Bisexuality is not real (両性愛は実在しない)

2 So are you going through a phase? (じゃあ、今は過渡期なの?)

3 Being bi is trendy these days (最近バイは流行ってるね)

4 Prove it (それを証明して)

5 Can’t you decide? (決められないの?)

6 Everyone’s bisexual really (本当はみんなバイセクシュアルだよね)

7 Oh, so you’re 50% straight and 50% gay? (へえ、じゃあ半分異性愛者で、半分同性愛者なの?)